Studio and music production

Music producers, sound engineers, radio studios

Podcast and working from home

Recording podcasts, YouTubers or other video recordings, calling customers at home

For home

Living room, bedroom, home cinema and home office

Meeting rooms and waiting areas

Receptions, meeting rooms, presentation rooms


Cafes, event spaces

Music and dance halls

Musicians, dance or stages

Building and construction projects

Sound insulation of roofs, ceilings, walls, doors

1# Studio and Music Production

Mix music or master accurately with a combination of absorption and diffusion. The level of absorption is important and depends on the size of the room and the frequency reached.

Bass absorption and corners need to be treated for the low tones. Products that can help you treat this (here we add the S10 absorption collections and other product listings).

2# Podcast and working from home

  • If you only have a voice, such as calls and a voice you can hear, you can choose between absorption or diffusion
  • You don't need an absorber designed for low absorption
  • Low-budget options are available

Products that can help you treat this

3# Working from home

  • If you are recording videos at home like YouTubers or a podcast. Professional meetings or presentations.
  • Various options that meet the latest modern home decorations and work perfectly to solve echo problems

4# Meeting rooms and waiting areas

  • Modern solutions
  • Combination of absorption and diffusion
  • Custom made products available


  • Modern panels
  • Walls and ceiling
  • Absorption and diffusion
  • Custom made with your own logo available


  • Modern panels
  • Walls and ceiling
  • Absorption and diffusion
  • Custom made with your own logo available

6#Building and construction projects

  • Custom ceiling panels
  • Sound insulation of walls
  • B2B ordering